
I have not found a more dedicated, passionate and amazing doctor in my life. Dr Reddy in my opinion has not only set the Benchmark for all Urologists but in fact all Doctors in general.Many words come to mind when I think of Dr Reddy- Compassionate, Caring,
Patient focused and all round Amazing.From her consultations where she takes her time to evaluate you as a patient right to her making sure you understand all routes of treatment to her post operative care and follow-ups, She has set a very high standard for all treating Doctors out there.
My personal Journey with her was amazing and never was there a moment where I felt alone, scared or misinformed about what my treatment was or what the expectations were post operatively.
Dr Reddy from my side is highly recommended as a Urologist of choice for anyone seeking World Class Treatment from a World Class Doctor!!!Thank you for changing my life.
Marcel Nelson
Subject: A letter of appreciation
Sent: 22 Oct 2016 1:30 PM
From: JXXXX BhXXXX <jbXXXX@XXXX.co.za>
To: DrTReddy.uro@gmail.com
Dear Dr Reddy
I think it is important for me to let you know what a positive life-changing effect your treatment has had on my life.
The quality of my life on a daily basis has vastly improved following the surgery on my bladder at your healing hands
I have struggled for years with what was incorrectly assumed to be urinary infections , thrush etc. I have been from one doctor to the next until I saw you. Your kindness both before and after the procedure was so appreciated- especially for an elderly woman like me. I feel more confident to do so many things now because I feel good. My heartfelt thanks to you.
Please continue to help people like me. You are making miracles come true.
Yours sincerely
Lenasia, Johannesburg.
---- Original Message ----
Subject: CSSS XXX
Sent: 07 Feb 2017 10:17 AM
From: CaXXX HXXXy <hoXXXX0@gmail.com>
To: Drtreddy.uro@gmail.com
Hi Dr Reddy, I saw you last year in March re a right pelvic kidney and numerous bladder infections. You advised me to use a catheter at least four times daily as my bladder was not emptying. I have been doing this since them I want to thank you for this advice as I feel so much better and as you said I have control over my life. I still get the odd infection which my chemist,who can prescribe, sorts out, but the improvement in my overall health is great.
It is for financial reasons that I have not been back to see you but as soon as I can I will follow up.
Once again many thanks.